Ladd, ed. – A Choir Book for Lent – Mixed Choir and Piano For Cheap

Ladd, ed. – A Choir Book for Lent – Mixed Choir and Piano
- Publisher: GIA Publications, Inc.
- Composer: Various
- Editor: Paul R. Ladd, Jr.
- Format: Softcover
- Length: 136 p.
- Dust, Dust and Ashes (SATB)
- You Are Dust (SATB)
- Again We Keep This Solemn Fast (SATB, Campion)
- Amazing Grace (SA or ST)
- Amazing Grace (SB canon)
- Amazing Grace (SATB with descant)
- Amazing Grace (SAB)
- Amazing Grace (STB)
- Amazing Grace (STB, Walker)
- Beside the Streams of Babylon (SATB, Greiter Schutz)
- Beside the Streams of Babylon (SAB, Greiter Ducis)
- Come, You Sinners (SAB)
- Forgive Our Sins (SAB)
- Forgive Us, Our Father (SATB or two voices)
- Forty Days and Forty Nights (SATB, HErbst, Vaughan Williams)
- Forty Days and Forty Nights (Unison with descacnt, herbst Gray)
- I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (SATB, Vaughan Williams)
- I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say (SB)
- Jesu, O Blessed Savior (SATB, Cordans)
- Jesu, O Blessed Savior (Three equal voices, Cordans)
- Jesu, O Blessed Savior (SAB, Cordans)
- Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley (SATB)
- Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley (SB)
- Jesus Walked This Lonesome Valley (SAB)
- Lord, Have Mercy Have Mercy on Me – Psalm 51 (SATB)
- Lord, Have Mercy on Us (SAB or STB, Byrd)
- Lord, Have Mercy upon Us (Four-part round)
- Mercy on Your Servant (Three-part round, Byrd)
- Mercy on Your Servant (Three-part round, Byrd)
- Lord, Who throughout These Forty Days (SATB with descant)
- Lord, Who throughout These Forty Days (SATB, Ravenscroft)
- Lord, Who throughout These Forty Days (SATB, Farnaby)
- O Blessed Jesus (SATB, Ingegneri)
- O Light of Light (SATB, Tallis Fellowes)
- Out of the Depths I Cry to You (SATB, Luther Schutz)
- Out of the Depths I Cry to You (SATB, Luther Bach)
- O Sun of Justice (Unison or solo, Vaughan Williams)
- O Sun of Justice (SATB, Vaughan Williams)
- Praise to the Holiest (SATB, Vaughan Williams)
- Praise to the Holiest (SB)
- Praise to the Holiest (SA or TB)
- Take Up Your Cross (SATB)
- Take Up Your Cross (SB)
- Take Up Your Cross (STB, Walker)
- What Wondrous Love Is This (SATB, Burke)
- What Wondrous Love Is This (SA with descant, Burke)
- What Wondrous Love Is This (SA or TB)
- What Wondrous Love Is This (SB canon, Cassels-Brown)
- What Wondrous Love Is This (STB, Walker)
- Wilt Thou Forgive (SATB, unison, or solo, Hilton)
- Hosanna to the Son of David (SATB, Schubert)
- The Children of Jerusalem (SATB, Schubert)
- O Sacred Head (Unison or solo, Hassler)
- O Sacred Head (SATB, Hassler Scheidt)
- O Sacred Head (SATB, Hassler Cruger)
- O Sacred Head (SATB with flute or violin, Hassler Bach)
- On the Wood His Arms Are Stretched (SATB, Gumpelzhaimer)
- Saw You My Savior? (SAB)
- Saw You My Savior? (SATB)
- Saw You My Savior? (Unison or solo with violin and cello, Haydn)
- Saw You My Savior? (STB or SATB, Smith Walker)
- Son of Mary (SATB, O Dwyer)
- Still Was the Night (SAB, Brahms)
- Still Was the Night (SATB, Brahms)
- They Crucified My Lord (SATB)
- Truly He Bore Our Sorrows (SAB or STB, Lotti)
- We Adore You, Christ Jesus (SATB, Roussel)
- We Adore You, Christ Jesus (Three equal voices, de Lassus)
- We Adore You, Christ Jesus (Unison or solo, Byrd)
- Were You There? (SATB)
- Were You There? (SB)
- A Heavenly Choir (Two equal voices and SATB)
- An Upper Room (SATB)
- An Upper Room (SB)
- Faith, Hope, and Love (SATB, Peloquin Chant)
- O Come, All you Christians (SA, ST, or TB)
- O Cross of Christ (Unison, Evans)
- O Cross of Christ (SATB, Raban)
- This Is the Man (SAB)
Adapt the core repertoire of the season to match your resources and available rehearsal time. Contains unison, 2 3 equal, 2 3 4 mixed voice, accompanied and a cappella arrangements of the classics—pick the version that suits your needs or create varied arrangements by choosing stanzas from various settings. Includes chant, spirituals, chorales, Praetorius, Byrd, Lassus, Bach, Willan, and numerous others, including French, Italian, English, and Mexican carols.
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